
Time. Money. Emotion. Energy. 

Yep therapy can be an investment. This is true. 

There are so many other things that show up on a bank statement, a credit card, and on a bill in the mail…that already feel like a lot. 

So having another thing to pay for and factor into your monthly expenses can feel daunting and disheartening. 

BUT hear me out. 

Yes therapy can be an expense - but it can feel a lot better than other expenses. Because for a nonpermanent investment…

…you’re getting lasting and permanent healing and results. 

What is it going to feel like when you do several months of weekly, every other week, or monthly therapy where you actually start to see your life change. 

You start to actually go for that promotion, speak-up in your relationship, start to love yourself, start to do things for yourself, actually spend a day reading and hanging with your dog versus doing everything for everyone else, see your relationship go from 5 out of 10 happiness to 8 out of 10 happiness, see your health and habits improve so you could finally reach your confidence goals….

All of that! What is ALL OF THAT worth to you? 

And the best part? I work with you with where you’re at. If you can do weekly therapy, great. If you can do every other week therapy or monthly therapy, perfect - let’s get to work. 

You can heal and change at whatever pace works for you.

AND I am able to take HSA cards and Super Bills. 

Super Bills are documents you send to your insurance that may help you get reimbursed for “out of network” services. 

Session Fees

50 Minute Therapy Sessions are $160
I also accept Kaiser and United insurance.

Forms of payment
I accept credit cards and HSA cards.